Saturday, December 4, 2010

Literary Feature Hunt: Foreshadow? What is this?

I'm not sure if this is foreshadow.

When Kay went to the Corleone house to find out where Michael was, there was a car with shattered windows. Kay drew attention to it as she was talking to Tom Hagen.  He replied that "it [was] nothing".

Connie (one of the Corleone daughters), was having an extremely physical fight between her and her husband Carlo.  She not only was upset that he has a mistress (a lady called saying that she was "a friend and  [she]wouldn't be able until later tonight"), but she was pregnant as well.  Her husband did not show that he cared much for her, as he totally disrespected her when she said that dinner was ready, he replied spitefully "I'm not hungry", when before he asked (more like commanded) his wife to make dinner.  As the argument goes on, Connie throws everything she gets her hands on on the floor, while screaming and yelling how cruel her husband is.  Then, Carlo says something to scare her.  He then unbuckels his belt and then starts to chase her around the house until the bedroom-- he beats Connie.  Then the scene changes to her parent's house; when Sonny is talking to his sister, she says that Carlo really hit her this time (this was not the first time).  Sonny gets furious.  He rushes out of the house in a blind rage to her house.  Tom Hagen assigned a few men to follow where Sonny was going.

At the toll booth, Sonny was going to his sister's house (probably to beat up Carlo...again), when suddenly men jump out of their hiding places and start firing their guns at Sonny. Sonny dies, and his car gets bullet holes, where the bullets punctured his car.

Does this scene foreshadow the smashed up car that the audience saw at the Corleone house, when Kay noticed it?  Was it telling us that someone was going to die in their car?  Or is there a totally different meaning to the smashed up car?

As I said before I'm not sure if this is foreshadow, it is just an idea.


  1. I'm pretty sure that Francis Ford Coppola had a purpose for putting the car in the background. Hence, the car is not just in the scene, but there is also a dialogue between Kay Adams and Tom Hagen to emphasis it. I tend to agree with you that it was a foreshadowing for the scene that Sunny is murdered. Although, there is another scene that we did not have a chance to watch it yet, when Michael's car explodes. I am not sure if it is a foreshadowing for that scene or when Sunny dies.

  2. I can see how this can be considered foreshadowing. It was a very good hint of the literary feature when Francis Coppola had Kay Adams talk about the busted car since Sonny was killed in a car later on. There is another point/idea I want to make. I think that Kay Adams was thinking about Michael when she saw the car and asked about what happened. Michael may have another incident involving cars.
