Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Another Idea about the Scarlet Woman

Talking about the Scarlet Women with my mum, she said something that made the class' idea of the Scarlet Woman and Kay to be a little inconsistent.  She made a good point that red or scarlet, is usually the colour for marriage, and not for whores.

This colour is associated in Chinese and Greek cultures.
In the Chinese culture the bride wears a red costume to represent luck and red keeps away evil spirits.
This was found on this website for further reading:

In the Greek culture, the bride wears a red (or yellow) veil to ward of evil spirits--same as the Chinese culture.
This was found on this website:

This makes sense because, in the end, Michael and Kay get married.  Then again, when Michael came back from Sicily (after the death of his wife Appolonia), he went to see Kay who was not wearing any red or scarlet at all.  This raises the question: If Kay was supposed to be like the Scarlet Woman from the Babylonia myths, then how does the (supposedly) 'whore' marry the hero?

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